Omerta ~Chinmoku no Okite~ Shokai Tokuten

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Omerta ~Chinmoku no Okite~ Shokai Tokuten
Omerta ~Chinmoku no Okite~ Game Cover
Based OnGame
ScenaristHigh Volume (ハイボリューム)
Natsumi Kanna (菜摘 かんな)
IllustratorTateishi Ryou (立石涼)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Action
  • Yaoi
CompanyKarin Chat Noir Omega
Catalog Numbern/a
Release Date2011/04/22
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These are tokuten cds that came with the game based on where you bought it. The infomation provided here is mostly about the game.

     Game Synopsis

J.J is a most dangerous hitman in a city befitting of his profession, excelling at his job to such a degree that his nickname is ‘Death scythe’. Given a job with a lot riding on it by one of the city’s factions who are at war, when it’s time for him to go in for the kill his target isn’t in the room he was assigned to. Instead, a couple lie dead on the floor who’ve nothing at all to do with the job. As if things weren't getting suspicious enough, the son of the couple bursts into the room and assuming that J.J is the murderer of his parents, wants revenge and vows to kill him no matter how long it takes. Five years later they’re living together and keeping a low profile, to avoid rousing suspicion over what happened then. J.J still takes assassination jobs, shady deals are still being made, and the factions Dragon Head and King Caesar are still at war. Eventually J.J manages to draw the attention of the two groups. In the end, whose side will he take? (Source: VNDB)





Track listing

Tokuten CD/s

    Mini Drama CD 「Welcome to Kowloon Hot Springs (九龍湯へようこそ)」
    • Summary: ドラゴンヘッドが運営する温泉、「九龍湯」そこに招待されたJJと瑠夏、そして霧生。たまには抗争を忘れ、裸の付き合いで親睦を深めようと劉は言うが……?
    • Runtime: 11:18

    Mini Drama CD 「ホオズキの実の結ぶ頃」
    • Summary: 冷たい雨の降りしきる中、宇賀神は傘を差し、ただひとり立ち尽くす。よく手入れされた墓前で帰らぬ者に手を合わせ……彼の運命を狂わせた男との出会い。あれから月日は流れ、幾歳月が過ぎ去った。それでも苦く、忘れえぬ運命が脳裏に蘇っていく。
    • Runtime: 09:44

    Mini Drama CD 「Sushi Shokunin wa Dare da (Sushi職人は誰だ)」
    • Summary: いたって普通の寿司屋で繰り広げられる、小さな抗争。そして現れる、謎のSushi職人。そこに居合わせたJJたちが巻き込まれ、事態はあらぬ方向に?
    • Runtime: 10:43
    • Catalog Number: ANI-OMERTA1104

    Mini Drama CD 「幹部の赤提灯」
    • Summary: ある屋台の前で鉢合わせた、霧生と宇賀神。最初はためらいながらも酒を酌み交わす二人。始めは互いの腹を探っていたはずが、気付けば自分のボスの自慢話に。話は次第にヒートアップして……
    • Runtime: 07:00
    • Catalog Number: MESSE-596

    Mini Drama CD 「Kaisuiyoku de GO! (海水浴でGO!)」
    • Summary: 真夏に海へやってきたJJと梓。そこへ見慣れたサングラス、橘の姿を見つける。海を満喫していた三人に、 不穏な影が忍び寄り――
    • Runtime: 08:50
    • Catalog Number: COMI-002

    Mini Drama CD 「Volunteer Katsudou (ボランティア活動)」
    • Summary: 「海へ行きませんか?」藤堂に爽やかな笑顔で誘われたJJ、梓、橘の三人。しかし、東京湾はゴミで溢れかえっていた。藤堂の手渡すゴミ袋と軍手。協調性とボランティア精神に欠ける面々も、渋々仕事を始めるが……
    • Runtime: 08:21
    • Catalog Number: SKR-1530

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