Kannagi no Tori

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Kannagi no Tori
Kannagi no Tori Cover
Based OnGame
ScenaristNagano Izumi (長野和泉)
IllustratorYuzuki Ichi (唯月一)
Media TypeBLCD
CompanyStudio Miris Team L←→R
(すたじおみりす team L←→R)
Catalog Numbern/a
Release Date2002/11/29


     Game Synopsis

There is a place known as "Kannagi-san" (or Kannagi Mountain), which connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. Here, beings called the "Kannagi no Tori" (or Birds of Kannagi) live, and it is their job to take the souls of the people who die to Kannagi-san, where they can then pass on to the world of the dead. The "Kannagi no Tori" get sent out just before someone dies to retrieve their soul and bring it back.

However, one "Kannagi no Tori," Ikaru, is different. He feels wrong about death, and typically when he is sent out instead of letting the death take place and retrieving the soul, he usually interferes with fate by preventing an accident, convincing someone not to commit suicide, or rescuing the person in danger to save their life. He still has not retrieved a single soul. He is given a "final mission" to prove himself as a "Kannagi no Tori," and if he fails, he will cease to exist.

His mission is to retrieve the soul of a young boy, Watanaki Ruu, who is to die in a car accident on the first of June, in about one month. Over this month Ikaru has several interactions with Ruu and his family, and feels an usual tie to Ruu, and doesn't want to take his soul... but his fellow "Kannagi no Tori" friends are trying to make sure he gets his mission done because they don't want to see their friend cease to exist, and at the same time, they have missions of their own involving people around Ruu as well.

Will Ikaru be able to finish his mission, or will he be unable to claim this soul as well...? (Source: Boys' Love Games Headquarters)

『神無山』と呼ばれる場所がある。生者の世界と、死して肉体から離れた魂が集う世界とを繋ぐ場所に。そこには『神無ノ鳥』と呼ばれる者たちがいて終焉を迎える魂たちを肉体から引き離し死者の世界へと連れ行く役割を担っている。ある時は、生に絶望し自ら生命を絶った者を。またある時は、病に臥して看取る者もないままに生を閉じる者を。家族に見守られ、安らかに彼岸へ旅立つ者を。老いも若きも皆一様に背負っている、避けられぬ運命の瞬間。『死』という運命を人間にもたらすためだけに、彼らは存在している。けれど自らに与えられた運命をよしとせず、人の魂をその手に掴むことを忌み嫌う少年がいた。彼は今まで一度として、人の魂を回収したことがない。白き翼をはためかせる魂を、その手に掴んだことさえない。人の死を見届ける彼の眼に映るのは、恐怖。畏怖。不快感。そして頭を過ぎる、微かな記憶だけ。けれど、心の内に留まる『それ』がイカルに人の魂を回収させないのだということは分かっていた。そして、ある日。イカルは『神無山』の奥深くにある『常闇の間』へと呼び出される。纏わりつく不快な瘴気の感触と、一寸先すらも見えない闇の中でイカルが聞いた言葉は。『一月後の、六月一日に死亡する少年の魂を回収せよ』『回収対象の名は、綿貫 琉宇――』事実上の最後通告だった。魂を回収出来ない『神無ノ鳥』には、存在理由が無い。出来なければ、消される。『神無山』に、居場所は無くなってしまう。…命令拒否は、出来なかった。地上に降りたイカルは、琉宇という名の少年と邂逅を果たす。人を拒む少年と、彼を優しく見守る叔父と。彼らと触れ合う日々を通し、イカルが学ぶもの、知る事は何なのか…今、物語が幕を開ける……。




Track listing

Tokuten CD/s

    Mini Drama CD
    • Summary:
    • Runtime: 14:30
    • Catalog Number: MRS-0016

    Mini Drama CD
    • Summary:
    • Runtime: 11:48
    • Catalog Number: MRS-0017

External links

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Based On