Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.14 Senpai wo Suki de Ite Ii Desu ka?

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Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol. 14 Senpai wo Suki de Ite Ii Desu ka?
男子高校生、はじめての 第14弾
Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol 14 Senpai wo Suki de Ite Ii Desu ka? Cover
High School Boy's First Time Vol 14 Can I love my Sempai?
Based OnOriginal Scenario
IllustratorKudori Popo (九鳥ぽぽ)
Azuma Yukako (あずまゆかこ)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Romance
  • School Life
  • Yaoi
CompanyGinger Berry
Catalog NumberRegular Edition: GNB-2214
Animate Limited Edition: GNB‑2224
Release Date2022/09/30
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The popular original BL drama CD series High School Boys First Time long-awaited 5th season is here!

The 14th installment is a story of a cool big brother and a healthy and loved kouhai. A high school boy's "first time" is recorded with no cuts, no fade, and no background music! The popular original BL drama series, which celebrated its 7th anniversary, has begun its long-awaited new season.


Sora Kanamori is a new member of the swimming club. He is alone in the changing room with Shiba, the vice-president of the club, who has a cool and mature look about him. Sora, who has zero experience in love, can't stop his heart from pounding in front of the naked Yotsuba, the senior whom he suddenly longs for!? The season of dazzling love has arrived! (Source: Animate International)

人気オリジナルBLドラマCDシリーズ「男子高校生、はじめての」待望の5thシーズンがスタート!! 第14弾は、阿座上洋平&鈴木崚汰が演じる、クールな兄貴分×健やか愛され後輩受け

男子高校生の「はじめて」を、ノーカット、ノーフェード、ノーBGMで収録!! 7周年を迎えた大人気オリジナルBLドラマシリーズにて、待望の新シーズンが開幕!



Character profile

  • Shiba Yasuhiro 「四葉康宏」 ( CV: 阿座上洋平 )
  • Height: 180 cm
  • Birthday: June 22
  • School Level: 2nd Year High School Student (高校2年生)
  • Club: Swimming (水泳部)
  • Club Role: Vice President
He is often relied upon due to his mature nature and always does his job well. He cares the most about the newest member Sora. He is a central figure in the elite group, but he has a lonely air about him.
男子のみの緩めの水泳部に所属。副部長。 大人びた雰囲気から頼りにされることが多く、頼まれた仕事はしっかりとこなす。 唯一の新入部員で初心者の空良を一番気にかけてくれた。 ハイカーストなグループの中心的存在だが、どこか寂し気な空気をまとっている。
  • Kanamori Sora 「金森空良」 ( CV: 鈴木崚汰 )
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Birthday: September 5
  • School Level: 1st Year High School Student (高校1年生)
  • Club: Swimming (水泳部)
He is an energetic and active teenager. He is considerate and sees everything in a positive light. He is loved by those around him because of his honesty, and is a beloved Kouhai to many. He does not take kindly to bad-mouthing or taunting of others or himself. Because of his parents' work, he has many opportunities to interact with older people. He is a beginner in love and tends to be treated as a child.
すくすくと育った健康優良児。 思いやりがあり、何事もプラスにとらえる。 素直さから周囲から愛され、後輩力が高い。 ひとの悪口や弄りに乗らない。 両親の仕事の影響で、年配の人と接する機会が多い。 恋愛初心者で、お子様扱いされがち。



  1. 阿座上洋平 × 鈴木崚汰
    Azakami Youhei × Suzuki Ryouta

Track listing

  1. ただの後輩じゃいられない
  2. オレが初めてでいいのかよ
  3. アフターストーリー「明日、一番にしたいこと」

Tokuten CD/s

Animate Limited Edition Benefits (アニメイト限定盤有償特典)

    Mini Drama + Free Talk CD
    • Summary:
    • Cast: Azakami Youhei & Suzuki Ryouta
    • Runtime: 19:23 + 10:12

External links



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