Template:Auxiliary template common notice

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Use this template to produce the character/s " [character/s appear here] " as ordinary text rather than as part of a link [[ ]], transclusion {{ }}, variable {{{ }}}, etc.

Similar templates

Template call
(m for magic word)

Output  (delayed interpretation as wikimarkup)

HTML alternative (never interpreted as wikimarkup)

{{!}} (m) | |
{{=}} = =
{{!(}} [ [
{{)!}} ] ]
{{!((}} [[ [[
{{!(n(}} [[ this uses a <nowiki /> tag
{{))!}} ]] &#93;&#93;
{{(}} { &#123;
{{)}} } &#125;
{{((}} {{ &#123;&#123;
{{(n(}} {{ this uses a <nowiki /> tag
{{))}} }} &#125;&#125;
{{(((}} {{{ &#123;&#123;&#123;
{{((n(}} {{{ this uses a <nowiki /> tag
{{)))}} }}} &#125;&#125;&#125;
{{(!}} {| &#123;&#124;
{{!-}} |- &#124;&#45;
{{!)}} |} &#124;&#125;
{{x}} × Multiplication Sign
{{+}}  + Plus sign with a non-breaking space in front
{{-}} - &#8209; A non-breaking hypen
{{a}} α &alpha;
{{b}} β &beta;
{{o}} Ω &Omega;