Permanently protected module

Module:Protection banner/documentation/config

< Module:Protection banner‎ | documentation
Revision as of 03:19, 12 June 2023 by Penguinplushie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "-- This module contains messages used to generate the documentation for -- Module:Protection banner. return { -- Reason table headings. ['documentation-heading-reason'] = 'Reason', ['documentation-heading-action'] = 'Action', ['documentation-heading-description'] = 'Description', -- Blurb to display if no reasons were found in the module config. ['documentation-blurb-noreasons'] = 'No reason values were found in the module' .. ' configuration.', }")
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-- This module contains messages used to generate the documentation for
-- [[Module:Protection banner]].

return {

-- Reason table headings.
['documentation-heading-reason'] = 'Reason',
['documentation-heading-action'] = 'Action',
['documentation-heading-description'] = 'Description',

-- Blurb to display if no reasons were found in the module config.
['documentation-blurb-noreasons'] = 'No reason values were found in the module'
	.. ' configuration.',
