Approach Dakareta Aite wa Rival no Otoko
CD Information
- Title Romanji: Approach Dakareta Aite wa Rival no Otoko
- Title Kanji: アプローチ 抱かれた相手はライバルの男
- Scenario Writer: Tatsunomiya Nachi 滝宮那智
- Illustrator: Nanami Kazusa 七海かずさ
- CD Type: R-18
- Genre:
- Dummy Head-Mic:
- Company: ケイズ・エンターテイメント
- Release Date: 2017/01/18
'You', an architect, have been given the responsibility by your firm to design a shopping mall aimed towards young people. However, having to win a design competition against another firm you spend day in and day out feeling pressured to come up with a design. One day, when you started the night drinking at a hotel bar, you wind up waking up in your hotel room together with a man. With your memory a bit hazy, the man you met at the bar, Harumi explained to you, "You fell asleep so I took you up to your room. I didn't do anything that entire time." However, Harumi makes no move to remove himself from your room--.
Character Introduction
[ 藤江晴海(28) ] 建築士。デザインコンペで主人公のライバルになる。 言動が軽く、軟派な印象。 だが本人曰く 「 女性関係はクリーンにしておきたい性分 」 。 仕事に関して等、真面目さが垣間見えることも。
Track Listing
Disc: 1
- バーでの出会いと一夜
- 「藤江晴海」という男
- 敵情視察
- コンペ前の電話
- もう帰さない
- 未来の設計図
Tokuten CD
Animate (アニメイト購入特典CD): 「Osake ni Yotte」 (「お酒に酔って編」)
- Summary:
- Runtime: 16:43
Stellaworth (ステラワース特典CD): 「Atarashii Jimusho de Hen」(「新しい事務所で編」)
- Summary:
- Runtime: 14:36