Hetare da Kedo Suki na Kare

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CD Information

  • Title Romanji: Hetare Dakedo Suki na Kare
  • Title Kanji: ヘタレだけど好きな彼
  • Title English Translation: He's A Loser But You Love Him
  • Scenario Writer: Tatsunomiya Nachi 滝宮那智
  • Illustrator: Nanami Kazusa 七海かずさ
  • CD Type: R-18
  • Genre: Lover, Office Love, Masturbation, Virgin
  • Dummy-Head Mic: Yes
  • Company: KZ Entertainment ケイズ・エンターテイメント
  • Release Date: 2016/06/30


  • English translation

You and Yuki have been sweethearts since your college days. Although you -- a web designer who even has to work from home -- and Yuki -- who keeps making mistakes at work and frequently has to work overtime -- live together, you usually don't have time to spend with each other.

One day, you are finally able to take some time off from work. However, Yuki, who is still on call for work, has to go to his workplace, leaving you to relax at home on your own.

Then, for some reason, you get a call from from Yuki --

  • Japanese


失敗続きで残業の多い祐樹と、ウェブデザイナーとして家でも仕事をしている 「 あなた 」 は、 同じ家に住んでいても一緒に過ごす時間が持てずにいた。

ある日、久しぶりに休みの取れた 「 あなた 」 。 だが、祐樹が営業の付き添いで会社に行くことになり一人でくつろいでいると、

何故か祐樹から電話がかかってきて ―― 。

Character Profile

  • Yuuki Gotou, 26

Works in the sales branch for a feminine cosmetics company. He's a bit weak-willed, lacking in some areas, and screws up at work a lot. You, a web designer, got to know him through your circle of friends in science university and now you are both living together.

  • 【後藤祐樹(26) 】


少し気が弱く、抜けているところがあり、仕事でもミスが多い。 ウェブデザイナーの 「 あなた 」 とは理系大学のサークルで知り合い


Track Listing

  • English translation
    01. After a long time
    02. On the phone with Yuuki
    03. Appreciation date
    04. Mutual feelings
    05. Appreciation from her
    06. Things conveyed
  • Japanese
    01. 久しぶりの時間
    02. 祐樹からの電話で
    03. お礼デート
    04. お互いの気持ち
    05. 彼女からのお礼
    06. 伝えたかったこと


  1. Tetrapot Noboru テトラポット登
    Furukawa Makoto 古川慎

Tokuten CD

Animate (アニメイト購入特典CD):「Yuuki no Maid Fuku Hen」(「祐樹のメイド服編」) (Yuuki's Maid Outfit volume)

  • Summary:
  • Runtime:

Stellaworth (ステラワース特典CD):「Yuuki no Hatsu Taiken Hen」(「祐樹の初体験編」) (Yuuki's First Time volume)

  • Summary:
  • Runtime:

External links

  • KZ Entertainment