Hakidame to Tsuru
CD Information
- Title Romanji: Hakidame to Tsuru
- Title Kanji: はきだめと鶴
- Based On: Manga
- Mangaka: Kitahala Lyee (キタハラリイ)
- CD Type: BLCD
- Genre: Yaoi
- Company: Fifth Avenue (フィフスアベニュー)
- Release Date: 2017/01/27
(English translation by ZHAO) It's all right, you can touch me. Want to try and have sex? With me. A romance in which it seems like he has given up on everything, but can't seem to let go.
Story: Former AV male actor Sumikawa Kei is a 35 year old part timer working at a movie theatre. His name has a beautiful meaning, "fireflies at a clear river", but the contrast with his actual extremely degenerate life seems almost like it's a joke.
Every week on Sunday's late night viewing, Okazaki Junta, a younger guy, drops by at the movie theatre where Hotaru works. He addresses Kei with "Hotaru-san", and shows interest in him, and when he tells Kei he's pretty and he fell in love with him at first sight, the words unintentionally rush out of Kei's mouth: "Before my job in this movie theatre, I was appearing in gay videos. The kind of hardcore ones where I'm fucked hard."
「 いいよ、触って。抱いてみる?僕のこと。 」 すべてを諦めているようで、諦めきれないオトナのワケあり恋愛。
原作コミックスの魅力を余すところなく収録した、 完全ノーカットの2枚組み仕様 !
≪ストーリー≫ 映画館でバイトとして働く、元AV男優の澄川螢、35歳、フリーター。 澄んだ川に蛍だなんてうすら寒い冗談の様な名前に、 “ 綺麗 †なんて言葉とは相容れない至極どうしようもなく堕ちた人生。
毎週日曜日のレイトショー、螢の働く映画館にやって来ては 螢のことを 「 ほたるさん 」 と呼びやたらと懐いてくる一回りも年下の男 ・ 岡崎準太に “ 綺麗 †だの一目惚れ †だのと言われつい口を衝いて出た言葉 。
「 僕ね、今の映画館でバイトする前はゲイビに出てたの。バリネコでハードなやつ。 」
Track Listing
Disc: 1
- Scene 1
- Scene 2
- Scene 3
- Scene 4
- Scene 5
Disc: 2
- Scene 6
- 雀の千声鶴の一声
- 焼け野の雉子、夜の鶴
- 澄川螢 : Hirakawa Daisuke 平川大輔
- 岡崎準太 : Furukawa Makoto 古川慎
- 波柴 : Kawahara Yoshihisa 川原慶久
- 大野 : Shingaki Tarusuke 新垣樽助
Furukawa Makoto x Hirakawa Daisuke
Tokuten CD
- アニメイト限定盤 おまけ「年下の恋人について」(Animate Limited Edition Bonus "About My Younger Lover")