Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.6 ~Amayakashite yo Sensei~

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Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.6 ~Amayakashite yo Sensei~
男子高校生、はじめての 第6弾
Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.6 ~Amayakashite yo Sensei~ Cover
High School Boy's First Time Vol 6 Spoil Me, Teacher
Based OnOriginal Scenario
IllustratorKudori Popo (九鳥ぽぽ)
Azuma Yukako (あずまゆかこ)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Romance
  • School Life
  • Yaoi
CompanyGinger Berry
Catalog NumberRegular Edition: GNB-1607
Animate Limited Edition: GNB‑1617
Release Date2016/09/30
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The sensational original BL drama CD series that made waves when it debuted in 2015, "High School Boy's First Time," now introduces a second season - and in this CD, the first teacher!

The third CD from the second season, Vol. 6, brings us a love between a wolf-in-sheeps-clothing honors student seme and a sly messy teacher uke. Presenting the toughest situation in the series! This high school boy's "first time" is uncut! No fade to black! And no BGM! ☆ All you can do is watch over which way their love will go - put your ear to the wall and listen to the teacher/student climax of the second season of this original BL drama series for yourself!


It's a Sunday, with the cultural festival drawing near. Painting alone in the art room in the evening, Ota finds himself with a visitor: Rokko. Without breaking his eloquent honors student mask, Rokka whispers to Ota: "Hey, Sensei. Would you like to have sex?" Behind Rokka's casual invitation are hidden feelings - how will Ota respond? (Source: Animate International)

2015年好評を博した新感覚のオリジナルBLドラマCDシリーズ「男子高校生、はじめての」 セカンドシーズン第3作は初のセンセイ登場! セカンドシーズン3作目となる第6弾は、猫カブリ優等生攻め×狡猾ふしだら先生受け。シリーズ最大の問題作、登場! 爽やかな優等生・六甲と、謎の多い美術教師・央田。誰のものにもならない央田に、特別な執着を隠し持つ六甲。危ういバランスで保たれていた2人の関係は、央田のヘソに鈍く光るピアスをキッカケに崩壊していく。センセイのいやらしい秘密を暴こうとする六甲だったが...。男子高校生の 「はじめて」 をノーカット! ノーフェード! ノーBGM!で収録☆ 彼らの恋の行方をただひたすらに見守りながら、こっそり盗み聞きを体験できるオリジナルBLドラマCDシリーズ、セカンドシーズン最終作は生徒 × センセイ!



Character profile

  • Rokko Ayahito 「六甲綾人」 ( CV: 八代拓 )
  • Height: 182 cm
  • School Level: 3rd Year High School Student (高校3年生)
  • Club: Student Council (生徒会役員)
A courteous, eloquent member of the student council. The number one honors student and impressive among the academy students. However, behind his perfect mask, he couldn't care less about other people. Only Mr Ota is special to him. He has both a deep longing for and strong attachment to him.
  • Ota Jin 「央田尋」 ( CV: 新垣樽助 )
  • Age (歳): 29
  • Height: 177 cm
  • Profession: Fine Arts Teacher (Art Club Adviser) 「美術教師 (美術部顧問)」
An unreadable, free-spirited fine arts teacher. His specialty is oil painting, which he practices in the art room when he has no class. A heavy smoker. Other teachers dislike him, but he is popular with the students. Believe it or not, he is a super alpha male bottom boy and into both D/s and S&M.



  1. 八代拓 × 新垣樽助
    Yashiro Taku × Shingaki Tarusuke

Track listing

  1. ロクでもない
  2. 瑕と疵跡
  3. アフターストーリー「空飛ぶ夢を最後に見たのはいつだったか」

Tokuten CD/s

Animate Limited Edition Benefits (アニメイト限定盤)

    Mini Drama + Free Talk CD
    • Summary:
    • Cast: Yashiro Taku & Shingaki Tarusuke
    • Runtime: 28:38

External links


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