Aiken Honey ~Amore~

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Aiken Honey ~Amore~
愛犬Honey ~Amore~
Aiken Honey ~Amore~ Cover
Pet Dog Honey ~Amore~
Based OnOriginal Scenario
ScenaristHirano Hiro (平野ヒロ)
IllustratorGogo-chan (ゴゴちゃん)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Yaoi
CompanyMontblanc Records
Catalog NumberMONT-008
Release Date2017/09/10
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Faithful dog Taro who loves his master, Shuji wholeheartedly couldn't control his feelings and has pushed down Shuji previously. “If I make it an established fact, then Shuu-chan would pair up with me.” But now that wish won’t come true. Even now their relationship is still of an owner and a pet dog. “Why won’t you pair up with me? What must I do to make you mine?” Will the day ever come when Taro manages to pair up with his stubborn, resolute master Shuuji?

ご主人大好きな忠犬(?)タローは、過去、その想いを抑えきれず、自らの主人である修司を押し倒したことがあった。「既成事実さえ作れば、修ちゃんもきっと俺をつがいにしてくれる——」しかしその願いが叶うことはなく、現在。今もタローと修司は、飼い犬とご主人の関係のままだった。「どうして俺をつがいにしてくれないの? どうしたら俺のものになってくれるの?」果たしてタローが、頑固で硬派なご主人・修司のつがいになれる日はくるのか——。

Character profile

  • Hasegawa Shuuji 「長谷川修司」 ( How to Read: はせがわしゅうじ ) ( CV: 濱野大輝 )
  • School Level: 3rd Year University Student (大学3年生)
〜Sullen Incomparable Seme〜

Lives with his parents. Not only does he have good physique from doing judo since middle school, he tends to look old, so he was never seen as his correct age. Taro is so cute that inevitably every time after a scolding, it will always be followed with doting. But for him, there’s a reason why he absolutely can’t accept Taro——


実家暮らし。 中学から柔道をやっていたため体格がよく、おまけに老け顔なので年相応に見られたことがない。 タローが可愛くて仕方がなく、叱ったあとも必ずフォローを入れる溺愛ぶり。 しかし彼には、どうしてもタローを受け入れられない理由があった――

  • Taro 「タロー」 ( CV: 土岐隼一 )
  • Profession: Shuuji's Dog (修司に飼われている犬。)
〜Too Lovely, Reckless Uke〜

He calls Shuuji "Shuu-chan" and wishes to pair up with him, but it's the usual pattern of his feelings not being rewarded. His hobby is going for walks here and there, and the neighborhood dogs are mostly his friends. Among them, he treats the Ikematsu family pet dog "Hachi" more affectionately like his younger brother.


修司を「修ちゃん」と呼び、彼のつがいになりたいと願っているも、その想いは報われてはいない模様。 あちこち散歩に出歩くのが趣味で、ご近所の犬は大体友だち。 その中でも、池松家に飼われているハチのことは特に弟分として可愛がっている。



  1. 濱野大輝 × 土岐隼一
    Hamano Daiki × Toki Shunichi

Track listing

  1. Indifferent Owner and His Dog Who Doesn't Listen 「つれないご主人と話を聞かない犬」
  2. Fall In Love With Me! 「俺に恋して!」
  3. Libido's Victory 「リビドーの勝利」
  4. Endurance★Incomparable Race 「耐久★絶倫レース」
  5. I Can Still Continue As Long As Necessary 「まだまだ続くよどこまでも」
  6. Let's Be Happy, Ok 「幸せになろうね」
  7. Cast Talk 「キャストトーク」

Tokuten CD/s

    Mini Drama CD 「Amai Sokubaku Hen (甘い束縛編)」
    • Summary: After they have paired up, everyday is a perverted lifestyle. Every time Taro discovers a new aspect of Shuuji that he never knew before, Taro's heart overflows with joy. During this, Shuuji asks for a certain favour--
    • Runtime: --:--

External links

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