Nie no Machi Shokai Tokuten

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Nie no Machi Shokai Tokuten
贄の町 初回特典CD
Nie no Machi Game Cover
Based OnGame
ScenaristMito Kei (水戸けい)
IllustratorRinno Miki (厘のミキ)
Media TypeBLCD
CompanyZombilica (ゾンビリカ)
Catalog Numbern/a
Release Date2018/06/29
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These are tokuten cds that came with the game based on where you bought it. The infomation provided here is mostly about the game.

     Game Synopsis

Hisora lost his family when he was in his teens, and now as an adult he’s working several part-time jobs concurrently as a physical laborer.

During his days of work, one day he enters a dark alleyway and sees a man in mourning dress drop a bouquet of white flowers. Unable to leave it as is, he picks up the bouquet and chases after the man.

However, he loses sight of the man after making his way through the dark alley, and he finds himself standing at the entrance of another world…an inn.

As Hisora stands there taken aback, the inn’s residents come out to greet him, and tell him:

“This is a world distant from death.”

In this world of slithering ghastly figures such as a child who uses its own severed head as a ball to play with, or a man who continues to talk even though his head has been smashed, Hisora must receive the assistance of the inn’s tenants who have lost consciousness in the real world while he searches for a way back home.

But Hisora is a living human, and the smell of him invokes in the town's residents their adhesion to life and envy of the living, inviting danger upon him… (Source: VNDB)

十代で家族を亡くし、 今はガテン系バイトを掛け持ちして暮らす主人公の日天(ひそら)。バイト漬けの日々を送っていたある日、暗い路地に入って行く喪服の青年に目を引かれ、彼が白い花束を落としたことに気づく。放っておけず、思わず花束を拾ってあとを追う。しかし、暗く長い路地を抜けた先で青年を見失った日天は、異界の入り口――「宿」に立っていた。呆然とする中、宿の住人たちに迎え入れられ聞かされる。そこは、死が遠い世界だと。頭を潰されても喋る男に、自分の生首をボールにして遊ぶ子供。 そして、恐ろしい異形たち。そんな不気味なものたちがうごめく世界へただ一人の生身の人間として迷いこんだ日天は、 元の世界へ帰ろうとするが、その道はどこにもない。それでも日天は、宿の住人の力を借りて帰還する方法を探す。生者の匂いに群がる死者たちが住むという「町」へ乗りこんで――。命がけの捜索の果てに、日天が見つけたものは……?




Track listing

Tokuten CD/s

    Mini Drama CD 「Goukaban Doukori Tokuten CD (豪華版同梱特典)」
    • Summary:
    • Runtime: 20:25

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