Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.4 ~Shinyuu no Kousai wo Zenryoku de Soshi suru Houhou~

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Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.4 ~Shinyuu no Kousai wo Zenryoku de Soshi suru Houhou~
男子高校生、はじめての 第4弾
Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Vol.4 ~Shinyuu no Kousai wo Zenryoku de Soshi suru Houhou~ Cover
High School Boy's First Time Vol 4 How to Use Everything You've Got to Block Your Best Friend's Date
Based OnOriginal Scenario
IllustratorKudori Popo (九鳥ぽぽ)
Azuma Yukako (あずまゆかこ)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Romance
  • School Life
  • Yaoi
CompanyGinger Berry
Catalog NumberRegular Edition: GNB-1605
Animate Limited Edition: GNB‑1615
Release Date2016/05/27
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The sensational original BL drama CD series that made waves when it debuted in 2015, "High School Boy's First Time," now introduces a second season!

The couple in the first CD from the second season, Vol. 4, are bickering friends of the same age! The critical artistic Shido, and the real-world-over-fantasy, impish Aru. Although they are both in the film club, they couldn't look or act more different. When Aru hears that Shido is going to get a girlfriend after Aru teased him for being a virgin, he proposes that they have a competition to see who is the better kisser. The kiss started to prove a point, but before they know it...!? This high school boy's "first time" is uncut! No fade to black! And no BGM! ☆ All you can do is watch over which way their love will go - put your ear to the wall and listen to the second season of this original BL drama series for yourself!


Aru's best friend Shido, a virgin who thinks girls are a pain and to whom cinema is everything, suddenly says he's going to get a girlfriend. Aru, a boy who prefers the real world over fantasy and who has dated countless girls ever since he can remember, tells him, "Any girl is just going to dump you in a second!" Provoked and ready to prove himself, Shido kisses him - and then they find they can't break apart...

"Come on. Let me pop your cherry, then."

Aru climbs onto Shido. But what are his true feelings...? (Source: Animate International)

2015年好評を博した新感覚のオリジナルBLドラマCDシリーズ「男子高校生、はじめての」 セカンドシーズンスタート ! セカンドシーズン1作目となる第4弾のカップルは、同級生悪友CP ! 辛口文系男子 ・ 椎堂 (しどう) と、リア充小悪魔系 ・ 有 (ある) 。映画研究部に所属する見た目も性格も正反対のふたり。童貞だとバカにしていた椎堂に彼女ができると知った有は、どっちの方が気持ちいいキスができるか勝負しようと持ち掛ける。売り言葉買い言葉で始まったキスがいつの間にか...! ? 男子高校生の 「はじめて」 をノーカット ! ノーフェード ! ノーBGM ! で収録☆ 彼らの恋の行方をただひたすらに見守りながら、こっそり盗み聞きを体験できるオリジナルBLドラマCDシリーズ、セカンドシーズンスタートです !


映画がすべて、女の子と付き合うなんて面倒くさいと、未だ童貞の親友、椎堂が突然彼女を作ると言い出した。物心ついてから数えきれない女の子と付き合ってきたリア充男子、有は 「絶対お前なんか女の子に速攻ふられる !」 と断言する。売り言葉に買い言葉のキスがだんだん後にひけなくなってきて...。


椎堂にまたがった有の本心は ―― ?

Character Profile

  • Shido Masafumi 「椎堂真史」 ( CV: 古川慎 )
  • Height: 177 cm
  • Grade: 2nd Year High School Student (高校2年)
  • Club: Flim (映画研究部)
A genius who does things at his own pace. He does not mince matters when speaking, and is actually a little arrogant. A virgin who has never even dated a girl, as he values his private time. He won a special award for a film he entered into a contest in the autumn of his first year. An intellectual, he doesn't really show his feelings, but hiding inside him is a deep passion.

  • Sugimoto Aru 「杉本有」 ( CV: 村瀬歩 )
  • Height: 177 cm
  • Grade: 2nd Year High School Student (高校2年)
  • Club: Flim (映画研究部)
A boy who lives in the moment, and loves to party with girls. In the autumn of his first year, he watched a piece by Shido and, moved, joined the film club late. He doesn't know much about movies, since he only really sees them on dates. An honest boy who respects and thinks people are amazing from the bottom of his heart. He likes sex.



  1. 古川慎 × 村瀬歩
  2. Furukawa Makoto × Murase Ayumu

Track Listing

  1. そんなの聞いてない!
  2. おまえの童貞、オレにちょうだい
  3. きもちいいコトしてよ
  4. アフターストーリー「初恋構造論」

Tokuten CD/s

Animate Limited Edition Benefits (アニメイト限定盤有償特典)

    Mini Drama CD + Free Talk CD
    • Summary:
    • Cast: Furukawa Makoto & Murase Ayumu
    • Runtime: 26:22
 Please use only Drama, R18, Radio, Reading, Situation, or No cat for Category.

External links

  • Use one of these types, BLCD, Drama, R18, Radio, Reading, or Situation for the first parameter