Aiken Honey

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Aiken Honey
Aiken Honey Cover
Pet Dog Honey
Based OnOriginal Scenario
ScenaristHirano Hiro (平野ヒロ)
IllustratorGogo-chan (ゴゴちゃん)
Media TypeBLCD
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Yaoi
CompanyMontblanc Records
Catalog NumberMONT-001
Release Date2017/02/24
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A world where pets like dogs and cats naturally exist in human form. Faithful dog Hachi loves his master wholeheartedly and so he gets very jealous. Hachi's owner, Kentarou, is a bit of a push-over and overwhelmed by Hachi's frankness and desire to monopolize him every day.

Then one day, Kentarou is struck with fever and stays home from university. The one who comes by to his room to check up on him, is a girl who takes the same seminar. Feeling the situation is getting quite intimate, Hachi's jealousy and impatience explodes-- (Translated by ZHAO)

犬や猫などの愛玩動物が 『 人型 』 であることが当たり前の世界。ご主人大好きな忠犬 ( ? ) ハチは、一途で嫉妬深い。ハチの飼い主である賢太郎は押しに弱く、ハチの剥き出しの独占欲にタジタジの毎日。そんなある日、賢太郎が熱を出して大学を休んでしまう。心配して部屋を訪ねて来たのは、同じゼミの女の子。親密な空気に、ハチの嫉妬と焦りが爆発して ――

Character Profile

  • Ikematsu Kentarou 「池松賢太郎」 ( CV: 古川慎 )
~Actually a hidden S type pet-owner seme~
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Birthday: April 22nd
  • Blood Type: O
  • Profession: 3rd year University student
An everyday guy who lives on his own with one pet in an apartment in a metropolitan area. He's vaguely thinking about wanting to have a girlfriend, but with jealous Hachi's interfering, and his own primarily lazy disposition, he finds himself not undertaking any actions in particular. He picked up abandoned dog Hachi, wanting to raise the dog as devoted to himself as the famous faithful dog Hachiko, and so, gave him the name "Hachi". Kentarou is a push-over, but it's not like he's timid. It seems like he treats Hachi rudely, but in fact he thinks Hachi is irresistibly cute.
"If I didn't like you... would I ever have made you my pet?!? You... stupid dog!!"

  • Hachi 「ハチ」 ( CV: 寺島惇太 )
~A loyal puppy uke who loves his master~
  • Age: 19 (in human years)
  • Birthday: unknown
  • Blood Type: Unchecked
  • Profession: Master's pet
Date he was picked up by Kentarou: November 1st
A cheerful dog who loves his owner Kentarou more than anything. He was picked up by Kentarou after being abandoned right after he was born. He loves Kentarou so much that he acknowledges all the girls who come close as enemies and intimidates them. Crossing the borders of race, Hachi wishes to become Kentarou's mate. Brimming with curiosity, he wants to know anything about things he's interested in. His information source is a dog from a house Hachi passes on his walking route, who goes by the nickname "Tarou-san from Sanchome".
"I want to copulate with my master."



  1. 古川慎 × 寺島惇太
  2. Furukawa Makoto × Terashima Junta

Track Listing

  1. Hachi's jealousy and single play 「ハチの嫉妬とひとり遊び」
  2. Please give me a reward 「ご褒美、ください」
  3. Sexual discipline, start 「エッチなしつけ、開始」
  4. Please connect stronger and deeper 「もっと強く、深く繋いで」
  5. Take responsibility, ok! 「責任とってね!」
  6. Can't stop the heat 「発情が止まらない」
  7. Pet dog Honey 「愛犬Honey」

Tokuten CD/s

    Mini Drama CD 「Oshiete! Goshujin-sama (教えて! ご主人様)」
    • Summary:
    • Runtime: --:--
 Please use only Drama, R18, Radio, Reading, Situation, or None for Category.

    Mini Drama CD 「Kazehiki Goshujin to, Utsusareta Netsu (風邪引きご主人と、移された熱)」
    • Summary:
    • Runtime: --:--
 Please use only Drama, R18, Radio, Reading, Situation, or None for Category.

External links

  • Use one of these types, BLCD, Drama, R18, Radio, Reading, or Situation for the first parameter