Template:Pairing list entry
Revision as of 06:47, 18 August 2023 by Penguinplushie (talk | contribs)
[[{{{2}}}]] × [[{{{4}}}]]
[[ ]] × [[ ]]
This template is used to format the names of the seiyuu playing the seme and uke for the Pairing list
. It displays a single pairing. The seiyuu's name in Kanji must always be included, the Romaji can be left blank if unknown.
- {{Pairing list entry
|Type= |Seme in Romaji |Seme in Kanji |Uke in Romaji |Uke in Kanji}} - {{ple
|Type= |Seme in Romaji |Seme in Kanji |Uke in Romaji |Uke in Kanji}}
The table below show what to enter in |Type=
when different Types of pairings are needed. We tried to cover every situation that might happen. If something comes up that isn't covered let us know here.
Identifier | Code/Example Input | Example Output |
|Type=+ Uses '+' instead of '×' |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = +|Yasumoto Hiroki|安元洋貴|Nojima Hirofumi|野島裕史}}
安元洋貴 + 野島裕史 Yasumoto Hiroki × Nojima Hirofumi |
|Type=Alias When both Seiyuu are using aliases. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias|Hirai Tatsuya|平井達矢|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔|Tadano Doutei|タダノドウテイ|Suzuki Tatsuhisa|鈴木達央}}
平川大輔 (平井達矢) × (鈴木達央) タダノドウテイ Hirakawa Daisuke (Hirai Tatsuya) × (Tadano Doutei) 鈴木達央 |
|Type=Alias/+ When both Seiyuu are using aliases. Uses '+' instead of '×' |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias/+|Sugisaki Kazuya|杉崎和哉|Taniyama Kishou|谷山紀章|Sakiware Spoon|先割れスプーン|Toriumi Kousuke|鳥海浩輔}}
|Type=Alias seme If only the Seiyuu playing the seme is using an alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias seme|Asano Youji|浅野要二|Yusa Kouji|遊佐浩二|Nojima Hirofumi|野島裕史}}
浅野要二 (遊佐浩二) × 野島裕史 Yusa Kouji (Asano Youji) × Nojima Hirofumi |
|Type=Alias seme/+ If only the Seiyuu playing the seme is using an alias. Uses '+' instead of '×' |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias seme|Blacky|青島刃|Nomura Kenji|乃村健次|Ichijou Kazuya|一条和矢}}
|Type=Alias uke If only the Seiyuu playing the uke is using an alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias uke|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔|Tadano Doutei|タダノドウテイ|Suzuki Tatsuhisa|鈴木達央}}
平川大輔 × (タダノドウテイ) 鈴木達央 Tadano Doutei × (Hirakawa Daisuke) Suzuki Tatsuhisa |
|Type=Alias uke/+ If only the Seiyuu playing the uke is using an alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Alias uke|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔|Tadano Doutei|タダノドウテイ|Suzuki Tatsuhisa|鈴木達央}}
|Type=3some seme When the pairing is a threesome, but the Seiyuu playing the seme is the same. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = 3some seme|Hatano Wataru|羽多野渉|Kobayashi Yuusuke|小林裕介|Nishiyama Koutarou|西山宏太朗}}
羽多野渉 × 小林裕介 + 羽多野渉 × 西山宏太朗 Hatano Wataru × Kobayashi Yuusuke + Hatano Wataru × Nishiyama Koutarou |
|Type=3some uke When the pairing is a threesome, but the Seiyuu playing the uke is the same. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = 3some uke|Hatano Wataru|羽多野渉|Shimono Hiro|下野紘|Taniyama Kishou|谷山紀章}}
羽多野渉 × 下野紘 + 谷山紀章 × 下野紘 Hatano Wataru × Shimono Hiro + Taniyama Kishou × Shimono Hiro |
|Type=3some seme alias When the pairing is a threesome, but the Seiyuu playing the seme is the same and the Seiyuu are using aliases. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = 3some seme alias|Inuno Chuusuke|犬野忠輔|Yasumoto Hiroki|安元洋貴|Hirai Tatsuya|平井達矢|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔Sakiware Spoon|先割れスプーン|Toriumi Kousuke|鳥海浩輔}}
|Type=3some uke alias When the pairing is a threesome, but the Seiyuu playing the uke is the same and the Seiyuu are using aliases. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|type = 3some uke alias|Inuno Chuusuke|犬野忠輔|Yasumoto Hiroki|安元洋貴|Ooishi Keizou|大石けいぞう|Kondou Takashi|近藤隆|Hirai Tatsuya|平井達矢|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔}}
犬野忠輔 × 安元洋貴 Inuno Chuusuke × Yasumoto Hiroki |
|Type=3some/x When the pairing is a threesome, but one seme is also a uke. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = 3some/x|Yamaguchi Kappei|山口勝平|Maeno Tomoaki|前野智昭|Kishio Daisuke|岸尾だいすけ}}
|Type=3some alias/x When the pairing is a threesome, but one seme is also a uke and the Seiyuu are using alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|type = 3some alias/x|Murakami Tatsuya|村上たつや|Takeuchi Ken|武内健|Hiiragi Santa|柊三太|Ono Yuuki|小野友樹|Hirai Tatsuya|平井達矢|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔}}
村上たつや × 武内健 Murakami Tatsuya × Takeuchi Ken |
|Type=3some/+ When the pairing is a threesome, but the '×' needs to be a '+'. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = 3some/+|Hatano Wataru|羽多野渉|Shimono Hiro|下野紘|Taniyama Kishou|谷山紀章}}
|Type=3some alias/+ When the pairing is a threesome, but the '×' needs to be a '+' and the Seiyuu are using alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|type = 3some alias/+|Murakami Tatsuya|村上たつや|Takeuchi Ken|武内健|Hiiragi Santa|柊三太|Ono Yuuki|小野友樹|Hirai Tatsuya|平井達矢|Hirakawa Daisuke|平川大輔}}
村上たつや × 武内健 Murakami Tatsuya × Takeuchi Ken |
|Type=Doujin alias seme For BL situation CDs when the Seiyuu playing the seme is using an alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin alias seme|||Hatagaya Kouji|幡ヶ谷麹|Makino Hideki|牧野秀紀}}
幡ヶ谷麹 ([[]]) × You [[ ]] ( ) × You |
|Type=Doujin alias uke For BL situation CDs when the Seiyuu playing the uke is using an alias. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin alias uke|||Hatagaya Kouji|幡ヶ谷麹|Makino Hideki|牧野秀紀}}
You × ([[]]) 幡ヶ谷麹 You × ( ) [[ ]] |
|Type=Doujin seme For BL situation CDs when the Seiyuu plays the seme. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin seme|||Suzuki Tatsuhisa|鈴木達央}}
[[]] × You [[ ]] × You |
|Type=Doujin uke For BL situation CDs when the Seiyuu plays the uke. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin uke|||Abe Atsushi|阿部敦}}
You × [[]] You × [[ ]] |
|Type=Doujin 3some/x For BL situation CDs when there is a threesome. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin 3some/x|Idol<You>|アイドル<アナタ>|Noki Yuusei|乃木悠星|Kurobei|黒兵衛}}
|Type=Doujin 3some/+ For BL situation CDs when there is a threesome. When you need a '+' instead of '×'. |
{{ple ↳ {{ple|Type = Doujin 3some/+|Idol<You>|アイドル<アナタ>|Noki Yuusei|乃木悠星|Kurobei|黒兵衛}}
Some More Examples
{{ple|Hatano Wataru|羽多野渉|Tachibana Shinnosuke|立花慎之介}}
Displays as
Displays as
{{ple|Type = Alias||四季路|Miki Shinichirou|三木眞一郎||タダノドウテイ|Suzuki Tatsuhisa|鈴木達央}}
Displays as
Note the ||
, you must include the |
even if you don't have the information that goes there.