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The Intelligence and Analysis Bureau of the N country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an organization that is mainly engaged in gathering information (intelligence activities). Among their activities is the "honey trap", where male analysts are divided into "male roles" and "female roles" - they would be paired together as "buddies" and do secret training night after night!! The chief analyst, Haryuu Atsushi’s “buddy” is Todou Mao, a beauty who joined at the same time as him. But because Haryuu overdid it in their first training (thanks to Todou's loveliness), ever since then, their relationship is awkward―?!


Revision as of 10:33, 18 September 2017

Koisuru Intelligence

CD Information

  • Title Romanji: Koisuru Intelligence
  • Title Kanji: 恋するインテリジェンス
  • Based On: Manga
  • Mangaka: Tange Michi (丹下道)
  • CD Type: BLCD
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Company: Atis Collection
  • Release Date: 2015/04/28



The Intelligence and Analysis Bureau of the N country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an organization that is mainly engaged in gathering information (intelligence activities). Among their activities is the "honey trap", where male analysts are divided into "male roles" and "female roles" - they would be paired together as "buddies" and do secret training night after night!! The chief analyst, Haryuu Atsushi’s “buddy” is Todou Mao, a beauty who joined at the same time as him. But because Haryuu overdid it in their first training (thanks to Todou's loveliness), ever since then, their relationship is awkward―?!


N国外務省にある国際情報統括官組織は、諜報活動を主に行う 特殊情報収集 ( インテリジェンス ) 組織である。

その諜報活動の中には 「色仕掛け任務」 もあり、入省した男性分析官は 「男役」 と 「女役」 に分類され、二人一組の 「バディ」 となり、なんと極秘に夜な夜な特訓をしているのである ! !

主任分析官である針生篤の 「バディ」 は同期の美貌の麗人 ・ 戸堂眞御だが、初めての特訓の時、 あまりの戸堂の愛らしさに針生は暴走してしまい、それから二人の仲はぎくしゃくしているのだが ―― ! ?

数百年生きている鬼。 生まれたばかりの鴇守を一目見て気に入り、自ら鴇守をせっついて使役鬼になった。 本来は体長190cmほどで20代半ばの見た目だが、鬼に怯える鴇守のため、 40cmの小鬼の姿を取っている。

Track Listing

Disc: 1 (All tracks are untitled)

Track 1-6



  1. 川原慶久 × 間島淳司

Kawahara Yoshihisa × Majima Junji

  1. 森川智之 × 鳥海浩輔

Morikawa Toshiyuki × Toriumi Kousuke

Tokuten CD

Yoyaku (予約特典): Free Talk CD (Majima & Kawahara, Toriumi & Morikawa) (フリートークCD (間島&川原、鳥海&森川))

  • Summary:
  • Runtime:

External links