Template:Synopsis multi story/doc: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:

This template, and it's shortcut {{tl|sms}} is to be used in the Summary section on CD pages that have multiple stories. This template supports both English only, Japanese only, as well as English and Japanese story titles. This template as has a special variation for the Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series. This template exists mostly to avoid having to type so many colons to get the right formatting.
This template, and it's shortcut {{tl|sms}} is to be used in the Synopsis section on CD pages that have multiple stories. This template supports both English only, Japanese only, as well as English and Japanese story titles. It can support up to 6 stories, if more are needed let PenguinPlushie know by posting a comment on her [[User talk:Penguinplushie|talk]] page. This template exists mostly to avoid having to use colons to get the right formatting.

== Usage ==
== Syntax ==
: For a English or Japanese Title only
{{space|5}} For a story with Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title only
* {{tji|Summary multi story|English or Japanese Title|Summary}}
* {{tji|Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 1 Summary|||Story 2 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 2 Summary||  |Story 3 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 3 Summary|||Story 4 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 4 Summary|||Story 5 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 5 Summary|||Story 6 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}
{{bi|↳ As shown above the empty parameters must be left in by including {{code|{{!}}{{!}}{{!}}}} between each story, unless it is the last story.}}

: For a title with both English and Japanese
{{space|5}} For a story with both English (or Romaji) and Japanese titles
* {{tji|Summary multi story|English title|Japanese title|Summary}}
*{{tji|Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 1 Japanese title|Story 1 Summary||Story 2 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 2 Japanese title|Story 2 Summary||Story 3 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 3 Japanese title|Story 3 Summary||Story 4 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 4 Japanese title|Story 4 Summary||Story 5 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 5 Japanese title|Story 5 Summary||Story 6 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 6 Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}
{{bi|↳ As shown above the empty parameters must be left in by including {{code|{{!}}{{!}}}} between each story, unless it is the last story.}}

: For a Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no (usually the After Discs)
{{space|5}} For a story with Translated English, Romaji, and Japanese titles
* {{tji|Summary multi Story|English title|Japanese title|Summary|dk: yes}}
*{{tji|Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English title|Story 1 Romaji title|Story 1 Japanese title|Story 1 Summary|Story 2 Translated English title|Story 2 Romaji title|Story 2 Japanese title|Story 2 Summary|Story 3 Translated English title|Story 3 Romaji title|Story 3 Japanese title|Story 3 Summary|Story 4 Translated English title|Story 4 Romaji title|Story 4 Japanese title|Story 4 Summary|Story 5 Translated English title|Story 5 Romaji title|Story 5 Japanese title|Story 5 Summary|Story 6 Translated English title|Story 6 Romaji title|Story 6 Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}

All the above can be used with the shortcut of course.
{{bi|If there are only 2 stories then the ''Number of Stories'' can be omitted like in the first example below.}}
== Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series ==
This template also has a special variation for the Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series. Visit this [[Template:Synopsis multi story/DK|page]] to understand how to use this template for that particular series.

== Examples ==
== Examples ==
* {{tji|sms|Room 202 - Kouno|Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....}}
* Single Title (English, Romaji, or Japanese)
{{space|10}} Displays as
<code><nowiki>{{Synopsis multi story|Room 202 - Kouno|Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....|||Room 203|Kei & Naomichi|At best Naomichi has been living 18 years, but has experienced various things in life. For example, the gasping voice of men that can be heard from the room next door (means Kouno & Natsu (^-^)). At the same time, his childhood friend and roommate, Kei, confessed to him.}}</nowiki></code>
{{sms|Room 202 - Kouno|Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....}}
{{bi|{{fcb|green|Displays as}}}}
{{Synopsis multi story|Room 202 - Kouno|Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....|||Kei & Naomichi|At best Naomichi has been living 18 years, but has experienced various things in life. For example, the gasping voice of men that can be heard from the room next door (means Kouno & Natsu (^-^)). At the same time, his childhood friend and roommate, Kei, confessed to him.}}

* {{tji|sms|Yarashii Hirusagari|やらしい昼下がり|大学生の佐野は、生意気な高校生・淳也の家庭教師をする事に。性格は相容れない二人の共通点、それは秘めた背徳の恋だった――。}}
* Two Titles (English or Romaji and Japanese)
{{space|10}} Displays as
<code><nowiki>{{sms|4|Yarashii Hirusagari|やらしい昼下がり|大学生の佐野は、生意気な高校生・淳也の家庭教師をする事に。性格は相容れない二人の共通点、それは秘めた背徳の恋だった――。||Sasurai|さすらい|同じ出版社に勤めている久保と落合は、体だけの大人の関係。なかなか素直になれない不器用な二人だったが、落合の下に入った新しいバイト・松田の登場により、徐々に関係は動き出し……。||Dare ga Omae wo Suki dato Itta|誰がおまえを好きだと言った|年上の幼なじみ・昌幸を子供の頃から想い続ける宗次郎と、何かと理由を付けて逃げ続ける昌幸。二人の間はいつまでたっても平行線……と思いきや!?||Wagaya wa Tanoshi|我が家は楽し|20年振りの中学の同窓会で再開を果たした内藤と円。お互いの事情から同居する事になったオヤジ二人の、穏やかながらどこか張り詰めた日々が始まる。}}</nowiki></code>
{{sms|Yarashii Hirusagari|やらしい昼下がり|大学生の佐野は、生意気な高校生・淳也の家庭教師をする事に。性格は相容れない二人の共通点、それは秘めた背徳の恋だった――。}}
{{bi|{{fcb|green|Displays as}}}}
{{sms|4|Yarashii Hirusagari|やらしい昼下がり|大学生の佐野は、生意気な高校生・淳也の家庭教師をする事に。性格は相容れない二人の共通点、それは秘めた背徳の恋だった――。||Sasurai|さすらい|同じ出版社に勤めている久保と落合は、体だけの大人の関係。なかなか素直になれない不器用な二人だったが、落合の下に入った新しいバイト・松田の登場により、徐々に関係は動き出し……。||Dare ga Omae wo Suki dato Itta|誰がおまえを好きだと言った|年上の幼なじみ・昌幸を子供の頃から想い続ける宗次郎と、何かと理由を付けて逃げ続ける昌幸。二人の間はいつまでたっても平行線……と思いきや!?||Wagaya wa Tanoshi|我が家は楽し|20年振りの中学の同窓会で再開を果たした内藤と円。お互いの事情から同居する事になったオヤジ二人の、穏やかながらどこか張り詰めた日々が始まる。}}

* {{tji|sms|SIDE Kazuki x Yuta|SIDE 一樹×裕太|It's their first Valentine's Day since they became lovers. But?|dk: yes}}
* All Titles (English, Romaji, and Japanese)
{{space|10}} Displays as
<code><nowiki>{{sms|3|One Hundred Stories in Akagi|Akagi de Hyaku Monogatari|赤城で百物語|「こういうのは雰囲気が大事なんだからさ!」雷雨で停電した赤城の研究室で、蝋燭を手にした雅が{{br}} 百物語を始めようと持ちかける。四人が語る怪談話の最後に、訪れる怪奇とは――|Akagi's Work Experience|Akagi no o Shigoto Taiken|赤城のお仕事体験|風華学園でドラマロケを行う紅。「せっかくだから、ちょっとドラマに出てみないかい?」「いや、完全にシナリオの方が食われるだろ」訪れた赤城の三人を見た監督の一言で、ぶっつけ本番のドラマ撮影が始まることに――|A Room Where You Can't Leave Unless You do XX in Akagi|Akagi de ×× Shinai to Derarenai Heya|赤城で××しないと出られない部屋|響×紅、雅×綴 など 見知らぬ真っ白な部屋で目覚めた赤城メンバー達。『指令を達成しないと出られない部屋』と書かれた謎の貼紙が、次々にとんでもない指令を提示してきて――}}</nowiki></code>
{{sms|SIDE Kazuki x Yuta|SIDE 一樹×裕太|It's their first Valentine's Day since they became lovers. But?|dk = yes}}
{{bi|{{fcb|green|Displays as}}}}
{{sms|3|One Hundred Stories in Akagi|Akagi de Hyaku Monogatari|赤城で百物語|「こういうのは雰囲気が大事なんだからさ!」雷雨で停電した赤城の研究室で、蝋燭を手にした雅が 百物語を始めようと持ちかける。四人が語る怪談話の最後に、訪れる怪奇とは――|Akagi's Work Experience|Akagi no o Shigoto Taiken|赤城のお仕事体験|風華学園でドラマロケを行う紅。「せっかくだから、ちょっとドラマに出てみないかい?」「いや、完全にシナリオの方が食われるだろ」訪れた赤城の三人を見た監督の一言で、ぶっつけ本番のドラマ撮影が始まることに――|A Room Where You Can't Leave Unless You do XX in Akagi|Akagi de ×× Shinai to Derarenai Heya|赤城で××しないと出られない部屋|響×紅、雅×綴 など 見知らぬ真っ白な部屋で目覚めた赤城メンバー達。『指令を達成しないと出られない部屋』と書かれた謎の貼紙が、次々にとんでもない指令を提示してきて――}}
For the Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series when it is only Japanese then do not use the {{para|dk}} parameter. Below is an example.
* {{tji|sms|[SIDE 一樹×裕太] Act.1「Give me Chocolate?」|ふたりが恋人になって初めて迎えるバレンタイン。チョコレートの行方は――?}}
{{space|10}} Displays properly as
{{sms|[SIDE 一樹×裕太] Act.1「Give me Chocolate?」|ふたりが恋人になって初めて迎えるバレンタイン。チョコレートの行方は――?}}

== TemplateData ==
== TemplateData ==
Line 42: Line 44:
"params": {
"params": {
"1": {
"1": {
"label": "Title",
"label": "Number of Stories",
"description": "The story title in English or Japanese",
"description": "The number of different stories on the CD. If there are only 2 stories then this can be omitted and the first parameter would be Story 1 Title.",
"type": "string",
"type": "number",
"default": "2",
"required": true
"required": true
"2": {
"2": {
"label": "Title or Summary",
"label": "Story 1 Title",
"description": "If the story title has both English and Japanese, the Japanese should go here. If it only has just English or Japanese the summary goes here instead.",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 1.",
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"required": true
"3": {
"3": {
"label": "Summary",
"label": "Story 1 Title or Summary",
"description": "If the story title has both English and Japanese, the summary goes here.",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 1.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"4": {
"label": "Story 1 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 1.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"5": {
"label": "Story 1 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 1 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"6": {
"label": "Story 2 Title",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 2.",
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"required": true
"required": true
"7": {
"label": "Story 2 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 2.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"8": {
"label": "Story 2 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 2.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"9": {
"label": "Story 2 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 2 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"10": {
"label": "Story 3 Title",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 3.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"11": {
"label": "Story 3 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 3.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"12": {
"label": "Story 3 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 3.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"13": {
"label": "Story 3 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 3 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"14": {
"label": "Story 4 Title",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 4.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"15": {
"label": "Story 4 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 4.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"16": {
"label": "Story 4 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 4.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"17": {
"label": "Story 4 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 4 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"18": {
"label": "Story 5 Title",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 5.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"19": {
"label": "Story 5 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 5.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"20": {
"label": "Story 5 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 5.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"21": {
"label": "Story 5 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 5 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"22": {
"label": "Story 6 Title",
"description": "This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 6.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"23": {
"label": "Story 6 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 6.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"24": {
"label": "Story 6 Title or Summary",
"description": "This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 6.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"25": {
"label": "Story 6 Summary",
"description": "This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 6 will go here.",
"type": "string",
"required": false
"dk": {
"dk": {
Line 64: Line 199:
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"suggestedvalues": [ "yes" ],
"suggestedvalues": [ "yes" ],
"aliases": [ "DK", "Dk" ],
"required": false
"required": false
Line 74: Line 210:

<!-- Categories below this line, please -->
<!-- Categories below this line, please -->
[[Category:CD page templates]]
[[Category:General Use Templates]]

Latest revision as of 02:40, 4 September 2023

Light bulb.png }}
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.

This template, and it's shortcut {{sms}} is to be used in the Synopsis section on CD pages that have multiple stories. This template supports both English only, Japanese only, as well as English and Japanese story titles. It can support up to 6 stories, if more are needed let PenguinPlushie know by posting a comment on her talk page. This template exists mostly to avoid having to use colons to get the right formatting.


      For a story with Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title only

  • {{Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 1 Summary|||Story 2 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 2 Summary|||Story 3 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 3 Summary|||Story 4 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 4 Summary|||Story 5 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 5 Summary|||Story 6 Translated English (or Romaji) or Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}
↳ As shown above the empty parameters must be left in by including ||| between each story, unless it is the last story.

      For a story with both English (or Romaji) and Japanese titles

  • {{Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 1 Japanese title|Story 1 Summary||Story 2 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 2 Japanese title|Story 2 Summary||Story 3 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 3 Japanese title|Story 3 Summary||Story 4 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 4 Japanese title|Story 4 Summary||Story 5 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 5 Japanese title|Story 5 Summary||Story 6 Translated English or Romaji title|Story 6 Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}
↳ As shown above the empty parameters must be left in by including || between each story, unless it is the last story.

      For a story with Translated English, Romaji, and Japanese titles

  • {{Synopsis multi story|Number of Stories|Story 1 Translated English title|Story 1 Romaji title|Story 1 Japanese title|Story 1 Summary|Story 2 Translated English title|Story 2 Romaji title|Story 2 Japanese title|Story 2 Summary|Story 3 Translated English title|Story 3 Romaji title|Story 3 Japanese title|Story 3 Summary|Story 4 Translated English title|Story 4 Romaji title|Story 4 Japanese title|Story 4 Summary|Story 5 Translated English title|Story 5 Romaji title|Story 5 Japanese title|Story 5 Summary|Story 6 Translated English title|Story 6 Romaji title|Story 6 Japanese title|Story 6 Summary}}
If there are only 2 stories then the Number of Stories can be omitted like in the first example below.

Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series

This template also has a special variation for the Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series. Visit this page to understand how to use this template for that particular series.


  • Single Title (English, Romaji, or Japanese)

{{Synopsis multi story|Room 202 - Kouno|Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....|||Room 203|Kei & Naomichi|At best Naomichi has been living 18 years, but has experienced various things in life. For example, the gasping voice of men that can be heard from the room next door (means Kouno & Natsu (^-^)). At the same time, his childhood friend and roommate, Kei, confessed to him.}}

Displays as

     Room 202 - Kouno

Natsu was Kouno first friend whom he got along after he changed schools. It is said that Natsu toys with his gullible friends and talks with all of the girls. Naturally he has no clue that Kouno wants to embrace him as his love. Until that christmas day....

     Kei & Naomichi

At best Naomichi has been living 18 years, but has experienced various things in life. For example, the gasping voice of men that can be heard from the room next door (means Kouno & Natsu (^-^)). At the same time, his childhood friend and roommate, Kei, confessed to him.
  • Two Titles (English or Romaji and Japanese)

{{sms|4|Yarashii Hirusagari|やらしい昼下がり|大学生の佐野は、生意気な高校生・淳也の家庭教師をする事に。性格は相容れない二人の共通点、それは秘めた背徳の恋だった――。||Sasurai|さすらい|同じ出版社に勤めている久保と落合は、体だけの大人の関係。なかなか素直になれない不器用な二人だったが、落合の下に入った新しいバイト・松田の登場により、徐々に関係は動き出し……。||Dare ga Omae wo Suki dato Itta|誰がおまえを好きだと言った|年上の幼なじみ・昌幸を子供の頃から想い続ける宗次郎と、何かと理由を付けて逃げ続ける昌幸。二人の間はいつまでたっても平行線……と思いきや!?||Wagaya wa Tanoshi|我が家は楽し|20年振りの中学の同窓会で再開を果たした内藤と円。お互いの事情から同居する事になったオヤジ二人の、穏やかながらどこか張り詰めた日々が始まる。}}

Displays as

     Yarashii Hirusagari (やらしい昼下がり)


     Sasurai (さすらい)


     Dare ga Omae wo Suki dato Itta (誰がおまえを好きだと言った)


     Wagaya wa Tanoshi (我が家は楽し)

  • All Titles (English, Romaji, and Japanese)

{{sms|3|One Hundred Stories in Akagi|Akagi de Hyaku Monogatari|赤城で百物語|「こういうのは雰囲気が大事なんだからさ!」雷雨で停電した赤城の研究室で、蝋燭を手にした雅が{{br}} 百物語を始めようと持ちかける。四人が語る怪談話の最後に、訪れる怪奇とは――|Akagi's Work Experience|Akagi no o Shigoto Taiken|赤城のお仕事体験|風華学園でドラマロケを行う紅。「せっかくだから、ちょっとドラマに出てみないかい?」「いや、完全にシナリオの方が食われるだろ」訪れた赤城の三人を見た監督の一言で、ぶっつけ本番のドラマ撮影が始まることに――|A Room Where You Can't Leave Unless You do XX in Akagi|Akagi de ×× Shinai to Derarenai Heya|赤城で××しないと出られない部屋|響×紅、雅×綴 など 見知らぬ真っ白な部屋で目覚めた赤城メンバー達。『指令を達成しないと出られない部屋』と書かれた謎の貼紙が、次々にとんでもない指令を提示してきて――}}

Displays as

     One Hundred Stories in Akagi 「Akagi de Hyaku Monogatari (赤城で百物語) 」

「こういうのは雰囲気が大事なんだからさ!」雷雨で停電した赤城の研究室で、蝋燭を手にした雅が 百物語を始めようと持ちかける。四人が語る怪談話の最後に、訪れる怪奇とは――

     Akagi's Work Experience 「Akagi no o Shigoto Taiken (赤城のお仕事体験) 」


     A Room Where You Can't Leave Unless You do XX in Akagi 「Akagi de ×× Shinai to Derarenai Heya (赤城で××しないと出られない部屋) 」

響×紅、雅×綴 など 見知らぬ真っ白な部屋で目覚めた赤城メンバー達。『指令を達成しないと出られない部屋』と書かれた謎の貼紙が、次々にとんでもない指令を提示してきて――


A template to format multiple story summaries on CD pages.

Template parameters

Number of Stories1

The number of different stories on the CD. If there are only 2 stories then this can be omitted and the first parameter would be Story 1 Title.

Story 1 Title2

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 1.

Story 1 Title or Summary3

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 1.

Story 1 Title or Summary4

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 1.

Story 1 Summary5

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 1 will go here.

Story 2 Title6

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 2.

Story 2 Title or Summary7

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 2.

Story 2 Title or Summary8

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 2.

Story 2 Summary9

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 2 will go here.

Story 3 Title10

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 3.

Story 3 Title or Summary11

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 3.

Story 3 Title or Summary12

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 3.

Story 3 Summary13

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 3 will go here.

Story 4 Title14

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 4.

Story 4 Title or Summary15

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 4.

Story 4 Title or Summary16

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 4.

Story 4 Summary17

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 4 will go here.

Story 5 Title18

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 5.

Story 5 Title or Summary19

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 5.

Story 5 Title or Summary20

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 5.

Story 5 Summary21

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 5 will go here.

Story 6 Title22

This will either be the translated English, Romaji, or Japanese title of Story 6.

Story 6 Title or Summary23

This will either be the Romaji or Japanese title, or the summary if only one title exists of Story 6.

Story 6 Title or Summary24

This will be the Japanese title is both a translated English and Romaji title exist, otherwise the summary will go here if only the translated English or Romaji and Japanese titles exist of Story 6.

Story 6 Summary25

This will only be used if the translated English, Romaji and Japanese title exists. The summary of Story 6 will go here.

DKdk DK Dk

If the CD is from the Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no Series include this to use special formatting.

Suggested values