Sokuseki Ad-lib Lover: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

3 March 2024

4 November 2022

  • curprev 01:1101:11, 4 November 2022Penguinplushie talk contribs 3,049 bytes +3,049 Created page with "{{Infobox BLCD | Title Romanji = Sokuseki Ad-lib Lover | Title Kanji = 即席アドリブラバー | Cover = {{Cover Image | Cover = Sokuseki Ad-lib Lover.jpg | Cover Width = | Caption = Sokuseki Ad-lib Lover Cover }} | English Translation = | Official English = | Based On = BLCD-Manga | Based On 2 = | Mangaka = Kuroda Kurota (黒田) | Author = | Scenarist = | Illustrator = | CD Type = BLCD | Genre = Comedy, Yaoi | Company = :Catego..."